साँफेबगर नगरपालिका - 10,अछाम, नेपाल 097-590000 info@bhp.gov.np

नेपाल सरकार

ऊर्जा, जलस्रोत तथा सिंचाइ मन्त्रालय

विद्युत विकास विभाग

बुढीगंगा जलविद्युत आयोजना


भिजन, मिशन, उद्देश्य र लक्ष्यहरू

"Brighter and prosperous Nepal through the sustainable hydropower generation harnessing the country's available water resources with the competent public sector"


  • Capacity building of Public sector in hydropower development for sustainable economic growth of the country;
  • Completion of the hydropower projects of desired quality within the stipulated time by the estimated cost;
  • Supply of reliable energy in Integrated National Power System (INPS) by the early completion of the project;


  • Complete the 20MW capacity Budhiganga hydropower project, located in Achham district of specified standards within 2025 by the estimated cost.
  • Develop 132KV transmission line from Budhiganga to Pahalmanpur (85 km) to evacuate the power developed; this line may also used to evacuate the power developed by the private sector in this region.
  • Capacity building of the public sector in hydropower generation as well as in regulation and monitoring activities learning from this project and implement larger projects successively.
  • To open up the economic activities and other development program in integrated manner with this project, achieving the regional balance in development of far western region.


  • Completion of the preconstruction activities including detailed design and environmental study by 2017
  • Completion of the main construction activities (Civil, electromechanical and hydromechanical works)  of the project by 2025.
  • Completion of the 85 km long 132kV double-circuit transmission line from Budhiganga to Pahalmanpur by 2025.

तपाईंको इमेल हेर्नुहोस्!